First Visit in Prague
The first step is to fill in our fertility questionnaire and undergo any required pre-treatment tests for you and your partner. You can do this back home or here at the GYNEM clinic. During the initial consultation with our experienced doctor, an individual IVF stimulation protocol will be determined. The nurse will explain to you how to use the medicaments and an agreement with the clinic will be signed. Sperm can also be collected and frozen so that it is not necessary for the man to return to Prague again.
The price of the initial consultation is 150 EUR, which will be returned to you once you decide to go ahead with the IVF program at our clinic. A deposit of 1000 EUR is required during your first visit at the clinic.
First Visit via Skype & Email
If for personal or work reasons you cannot travel to Prague for an initial consultation, this is an alternative option. The first step is to fill in our fertility questionnaire, undergo required pre-treatment tests back home and send us results. After the clinical evaluation we will provide you with Skype consultation with our fertility doctor. Online consultation is free of charge.
Second Visit in Prague
The stimulation of your ovaries starts on the 2nd day of your period and lasts approximately 12 days. During this time you will attend ultrasound scan controls (on the 6th and 9th day), in order to determine whether the dosage of the medicaments is optimal for you.
Around the 12th day of stimulation the egg retrieval will take place under general anaesthesia. On the same day, a sperm sample will be collected for fertilization (unless provided in the first visit or if donor sperm will be used). The cultivations of embryos lasts 3-5 days and we inform you every day about how the embryos are developing.
Around the 15-17th day from the start of the stimulation the embryo is transferred. We currently transfer 1-2 embryos. The amount of transferred embryos will be discussed and decided with the patient, doctor and embryologist. Unused and healthy embryos can be frozen and used at a later time if the first attempt is not successful.
14 days after the embryo transfer takes place you will take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is positive, please continue taking prescribed medications until the 10th week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy test is negative immediately discontinue taking prescribed medicaments.
Duration of stay in Prague
Short stay (3 days)
Your total stay in Prague is approximately 3 days if you undergo the ultrasound scan on the 6th day and 9th day back home. You and your partner will arrive one day before the egg retrieval to complete the pre-treatment tests for general anaesthesia. You will be here at the day of egg retrieval and come again for the embryo transfer day which takes place 3-5 days after egg retrieval day.
Recommended stay (7-10 days)
Your total stay in Prague is approximately 7-10 days if you undergo an ultrasound scan on the 6th day of your cycle back home and send us results via email. You will arrive on the 9th day of your cycle to undergo ultrasound scan at the clinic and to complete pre-treatment tests for general anaesthesia (egg retrieval is done under general anaesthesia). The egg retrieval takes place around 12th day of your stimulation period and embryo transfer will be after 3-5 days.
Long stay (17 days)
Your total stay in Prague is approximately 17 days if you undergo the whole cycle here in Prague (start of stimulation from 2nd day of your period, ultrasound scan on the 6th day and 9th day). You and your partner will arrive one day before the egg retrieval to complete the pre-treatment tests for general anaesthesia. The egg retrieval takes place around 12th day of your stimulation period and embryo transfer will be after 3-5 days.
The male partner’s stay in Prague can be reduced to only one or two days.