January 2019

Reasons Why Men Donate Sperm

Sperm donation is a type of assisted reproductive technique (ART) where a man voluntarily donates his semen in order to help an individual or couple conceive.[1] So what compels a man to donate a genetic piece of himself, anonymously or otherwise? Let’s find out.




Some men are motivated to donate by their desire to help people. These men often state in their profiles that they do volunteer work, have donated blood and are registered organ donors.[2] Donating their sperm is just another good deed – a way to help individuals or couples start a family that they’ve always wanted; and some of these men don’t even want compensation for their time or reimbursement for any expenses.[3]


Biological Ticking Clock

Yes, men hear that biological ticking clock too. But not all men desire to have children of their own. The solution? Donate their sperm. By donating a genetic piece of themselves, it quiets and sates their inner primitive need to reproduce, pass on their genes and leave their mark on Earth.[4]



Not everybody has a steady source of income and for some men, donating their sperm is an easy (and pleasurable!) way of making a quick buck. Once approved to become a sperm donor, men can earn up to £250 per donation in the UK and between $40-120 per donation in the US.[5] Those with a flexible schedule such as students, part-time workers and freelancers choose sperm donation as a way to supplement their income.[6]



Personal Experience

Some men are motivated to donate due to their own experiences with infertility or assisted reproductive techniques, or know someone who is a sperm or egg donor or has been conceived through ART.[7] Their personal association with this subject provides a stronger motivator to help others fulfill their dreams of having a family.


Social Responsibility

The LGBT community is becoming more prominent and open as acceptance continues to progress and rise around the world. Single women choosing to raise children on their own is now more commonplace and they have more support from companies to help juggle parenting responsibilities and their careers. Men who donate their sperm feel may feel socially responsible to give back to their community and to provide these individuals and couples with the options and assistance in helping to start their own families.[8]



[1] Mayo Clinic Staff, ‘Sperm Donation – Overview’, in Mayo Clinic, published July 17th, 2018, viewed on October 13th, 2018, https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/sperm-donation/about/pac-20395032

[2] Cynthia, ‘SpermCOUNTS!’, in Reproductive Technologies, Inc. – The Sperm Bank of California’, published May 29th, 2014, viewed on October 13th, 2018, http://donors.thespermbankofca.org/blog/top-five-reasons-that-men-choose-to-be-sperm-donors

[3] oliviasview, ‘What kind of man becomes a sperm donor?’, in oliviasview.wordpress.com, published November 11th, 2011, viewed on October 13th, 2018, https://oliviasview.wordpress.com/2011/11/11/what-kind-of-man-becomes-a-sperm-donor/

[5] Hickman, Leo, ‘The Cost of Body Parts Around the World’, in The Guardian, published July 28th, 2009. Viewed on October 13th, 2018

[7] Cynthia, ‘SpermCOUNTS!’, in Reproductive Technologies, Inc. – The Sperm Bank of California’, published May 29th, 2014, viewed on October 13th, 2018, http://donors.thespermbankofca.org/blog/top-five-reasons-that-men-choose-to-be-sperm-donors

[8] ibid