April 2018

Stressed about IVF Treatment? Find out how others are beating stress every day

IVF treatment has become one of the most popular treatments for women seeking to bear children by other means. In 2016, more than 250,000 babies were born through IVF treatment, and that is only for numbers counted in Europe. IVF in Europe has taken off to heights that were truly unexpected, but IVF abroad in places like India and Russia have also surpassed expectations. With an estimated future figure of 1 in 10 babies being born through IVF, is it any surprise that this treatment is now in the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to conception?



The figures make it sound easy, and herein lies the danger. Because something is popular and affordable it does not necessarily make it a simple matter. Many patients have been brave enough to share their experiences with IVF in support groups and in online journals, and their stories show the real details of how the treatment works. Whilst success rates are very high, and improving thanks to the medical community, there are elements of the process that can be very stressful. These include the preparation for the treatment both physically and mentally. Patients should be take into account that a great level of commitment is necessary for IVF treatment, even in the best fertility centres in Europe.


Having said this, where stress arises naturally, there are naturally ways to beat it, too. What are some of the most popular methods used to combat the stress of IVF treatment? Interestingly, many women have turned to meditation, with increasing numbers since the trend of meditation swept the western world around 2010. Mindfulness is the most common term you’ll find for this contemporary form of meditation, and it makes sure that the patient cools their mind with the most simple techniques.



By focussing on your breathing and the sensation of your body, people who practice Mindfulness report that they tune out of their surroundings and into their body, giving them a great ability to read the way they feel. As you can imagine, this connects with IVF in several ways, which is a treatment that requires your body to go through several processes. Perhaps mindfulness meditations can put patients into a state of preparation for IVF by allowing them to know just how their body works prior to any treatment.


Can we say for sure that meditation can scientifically help? The medical community has never made an official comment, and the most successful IVF clinic in Europe would probably also hesitate to issue a statement. What we do have is the testimony of many patients who has used meditation in conjunction with IVF, and the results look positive. Could this be the perfect de-stress tool for you?




