Václav Vaněček
Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Václav Vaněček, Ph.D. works as a Chief Medical Officer at the Central Military Hospital in Prague and among his favourite surgeries belong whole spectrum of procedures from arthroscopies, osteotomies and endoprostheses. A big challenge for his team is revision surgery after endoprosthetic procedures.
- 2012–2016 Post-graduate PhD study
- 2009 Specialised qualifications to perform the profession of a physician in the field of orthopaedics
- 1998–2003 JEP Military Medical Academy, Hradec Králové
- 1992–1996 Vítězslav Novák Grammar School, Jindřichův Hradec
Professional history
- Since 2012 Deputy head for the provision of medical care – chief physician
- 2009–2012 Senior physician specialist – Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Central Military Hospital, Prague
- 2003–2009 Physician – Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Central Military Hospital, Prague
- 2007–2008 FC Slavia team physician
- 1997–2015 Czech Army – professional soldier – colonel
Czech societies
- 2003 Member of Czech Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology Editorial boards
- 2016 Member of editorial board of JB&JS Reviews Teaching activities
- Since 2013 Professional assistant, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague
- 2013 Professional trainer for orthopaedics
Additional qualifications and professional functions
- 2010 – Czech Medical Chamber license for serving as head physician and chief physician of orthopaedics
- 2013 – Czech Medical Chamber license for performing independent work, for serving as a professional deputy, for providing consulting services for the field of orthopaedics
- Holder of BATLS/ATLS certificate
- Expert – Knee navigation TKA
- FOUSEK J, INDRAKOVÁ P, VANĚČEK V: Management of pseudoarthrosis of the navicular bone of the wrist using the Synthes 3.0 screw. Rozhl Chir 2005;84/11:561-6.
- Fousek J, Indraková P, Vaněček V: Operative Behandlung von Hand-kahnbeinpseudoarthrosen. Orthopädische Praxis. Heft 1, 2006:44-50.
- Urbánek L, Vaněček V, Vašek P, Kubela R: Artroskopická paliativní resekce rotátorové manžety u nerekonstruovatelných lézí. Acta Chir Ortop Traum Cech 2007; 74:268.
- Bartoníček J, Chochola A, Vaněček V: Suprasyndesmální šroub u luxačních zlomenin hlezna [Syndesmotic screw in fracture-dislocations of the ankle]. Rozhl Chir 2012;91/9:513-520.
- Bartoníček J, Chochola A, Vaněček V: Trochanterické zlomeniny – základní přehled [Trochanteric fractures – general overview]. Rozhl Chir 2012;92/10:578-580.
- Bartoníček J, Rammelt S, Kostlivý K, Vaněček V, Klika D, Trešl I: Anatomy and classification of the posterior tibial fragment in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2015;135/4:506-515. (IF – 1,496)
- Tuček M, Chochola A, Vaněček V, Bušková K. Chirurgická léčba akromioklavikulární luxace: tahová cerkláž versus hákovitá dlaha. Rozhl Chir 2015;94/10:437-444.
- Vaněček V, Tuček M: Pressure pain sensitivity: marker for stress affecting general health. Cent Eur J Public Health. 2017;25(1): 64–66. (IF – 0,525)